Friday, 6 February 2015

Day 3 of Filming

final day of filming

Our group was assigned to film during the half-term because we didn't get through any filming during the weeks before. Marisa was quite worried about how we would manage to finish our film but we were determined to make a good opening.

Initially our bedroom scene was going to be a 360 degrees pan, however after careful consideration we decided against it because we wouldn't be able to be still and smooth enough for it to look authentic. 
We decided the filmed scenes in the bathroom and bedroom would consist of still mid shots of different feminine objects to create the character of our film.

Our feedback was positive.

On this day we were also meant to shoot the outside of the house and shoot and traffic scene because we didn't want to run out of shots. However, we didn't because the weather on that day was very poor and we didn't want to get the equipment wet.

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