Friday, 27 March 2015
Monday, 23 March 2015
Friday, 20 March 2015
Evaluation Question 5
Feedback from Cinema Screening
Thursday, 19 March 2015
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
Monday, 16 March 2015
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Q5. How did you attract/adress your audience?
The costume for the main character was meant to appeal to mordern teen fashion, and also appeal to the sterio type that teens who wear a hoodie is up to no good. The black cloths also help to enforse this steriotype. However we still wanted to have middle class look to kelly, having her wearing clean cloths, without any holes, but even without the holes the outfit does not look new.
The locations chosen may appeal to some tren and adult audiences for there are park and religious locations. We chose the location of thr church because we though it would look dramatic in comparison to the death of one of the characters. We also chose the location of the park because it is somewhere that teens are likly to hang out and also because it is a public location and we have no budget money to spend on renting a location to film in.
The locations chosen may appeal to some tren and adult audiences for there are park and religious locations. We chose the location of thr church because we though it would look dramatic in comparison to the death of one of the characters. We also chose the location of the park because it is somewhere that teens are likly to hang out and also because it is a public location and we have no budget money to spend on renting a location to film in.
The main character is a 17-18 who fit the age profile needed for a youth drama, and the hair colour would appeal to a more unique audience and realates to the many young people today that have coloured hair simular. The hight and gender of kelly also has many simularites to the average teenage girl living in london.
The angry male character played by morgon gorden tompson, he did drama courses and was more impresive in his acting abilities then some of the othere actors included in the title sequence. Although he was only shown on screen for a few moments he makes a large impreshion by hitting the main character, knocking her to the floor towards the camera.
The murder is a female actor however for the purpose of the storyline we wanted them to be a male character in the scene, as they kill another character on screen. She did a amazing work on camera making sure her hood never moved to reveal her face and the large jacket cover her slender female figure.
Story line
-Our storyline is shown from the point of view of Kelly. Showing all
the events that happen to her or that she is aware of, like the film is
all being told from diary entries, which we were going to include but we
ran out of filming time. We chose this view because it is similar to
other media products out there like ‘Angus, Thongs and perfect kissing’
which already has a large teenage audience and would help give us
inspiration on how to appeal to that audience.
-Kelly used to be a normal teenage girl; she used to have friends, a home, in education and most important of all she used to be safe. But then something happens and she is thrown into a life where she is beaten up by drug dealers for money and get phone calls informing her about murders.
-We had a bit of trouble thinking how to show this in a short title sequence and yet not give away too much of the film in the process, what we first came up with was that we would find Kelly dead in a bathtub and then rewind though the film to the beginning of the story. Almost like in the ending of Donnie Darko they go back in time to scenes shown earlier in the movie but they show a difference in how the events turned out having Donnie die instead of live. However we wanted to have a similar effect for the beginning of our media product and not the ending, but having this work as a base we knew what the base characteristics our product would need to have to appeal to a similar audience.
-Kelly used to be a normal teenage girl; she used to have friends, a home, in education and most important of all she used to be safe. But then something happens and she is thrown into a life where she is beaten up by drug dealers for money and get phone calls informing her about murders.
-We had a bit of trouble thinking how to show this in a short title sequence and yet not give away too much of the film in the process, what we first came up with was that we would find Kelly dead in a bathtub and then rewind though the film to the beginning of the story. Almost like in the ending of Donnie Darko they go back in time to scenes shown earlier in the movie but they show a difference in how the events turned out having Donnie die instead of live. However we wanted to have a similar effect for the beginning of our media product and not the ending, but having this work as a base we knew what the base characteristics our product would need to have to appeal to a similar audience.
Production and distribution comanies
-Our production company already have a young target audience, consisting of indepented fans and also fans of Andrew Lee Potts who starred in many TV dramas and Film that appeal to teenage/young adult audiences. So they are a perfect choice for a production company that know more about our target audience then we do with their experience.
Also for our distributor we have a larger mainstream company that
would be able to distribute our product over a larger range of platforms
and locations. This would be better for our product to be seen by both
mainstream and independent film fans, also it would show how diverse our
product is to appeal to both audiences. However when choosing our
distributor we also looked at what kind of films they have released in
the past and Icon Film Distributors have very similar target audiences
and sub-genres to our product.
Monday, 9 March 2015
Sunday, 8 March 2015
Our Final Editing Session
In our Final editing session we had faded the relevant scenes, changed our flash backs to black and white and had filled in the credits.
After having Marisa watch it, she pointed out that the credits were in an unconventional order and we had to amend this otherwise we'd lose marks. She also mentioned that we cannot use our names for everything because that would make it unrealistic. Not only this but we had missed out our idents for the the production companies and this needed to be sorted.
We included our idents at the beginning of the film to establish who helped create the film. We ordered the credits appropriately however decided to use an unconventional method for the title and have it at the end of the film instead of at the beginning.
We began incorporating the sound into the opening scene. This was quite challenging as there were a lot of sounds missing in garage band that we needed. We had to take water dripping sound effects from Youtube to help us.
We successfully finished editing a day before the deadline, which was really refreshing!
After having Marisa watch it, she pointed out that the credits were in an unconventional order and we had to amend this otherwise we'd lose marks. She also mentioned that we cannot use our names for everything because that would make it unrealistic. Not only this but we had missed out our idents for the the production companies and this needed to be sorted.
We included our idents at the beginning of the film to establish who helped create the film. We ordered the credits appropriately however decided to use an unconventional method for the title and have it at the end of the film instead of at the beginning.
We began incorporating the sound into the opening scene. This was quite challenging as there were a lot of sounds missing in garage band that we needed. We had to take water dripping sound effects from Youtube to help us.
We successfully finished editing a day before the deadline, which was really refreshing!
Our Fourth Editing Session
In our fourth editing session we were deciding on how to make our flash backs look like flash backs. We had put a good effect on it, however after having a few peers watch it, we realised it was too harsh on the eyes so decided on just having them in black and white.
We knew it would be really good, to incorporate our credits in between each of our flash backs because this would add to the conventions of a youth drama.
We knew it would be really good, to incorporate our credits in between each of our flash backs because this would add to the conventions of a youth drama.
Our Third Editing Session
In our third editing session, we had successfully ordered our shots, decided what would go first and last and was beginning to add effects and fades so it would run smoothly. We decided that the beginning shots would fade into one another and gradually they would become less faded to create more tension within the film.
Furthermore, some of our scenes were fairly long so we decided to cut them shorter, and some of them had unclear and shaky movements, so we also decided to cut them short and keep them still shots instead to make it more authentic.
Furthermore, some of our scenes were fairly long so we decided to cut them shorter, and some of them had unclear and shaky movements, so we also decided to cut them short and keep them still shots instead to make it more authentic.
Our Second Editing Session
In our second editing session, we had come to the realisation that a rewind would not be suitable for our film or feasible with the way we had shot or scenes. Most of our scenes were just shots that needed to be faded in and out of each other and we knew it wouldn't be possible or even look right if they were in a rewind.
This is when we came up with the idea to create flash backs instead. We thought not only will it eliminate the problem of our character wearing different clothes but it would also help to incorporate some of the other scenes that we wouldn't have put in.
This is when we came up with the idea to create flash backs instead. We thought not only will it eliminate the problem of our character wearing different clothes but it would also help to incorporate some of the other scenes that we wouldn't have put in.
Our First Editing Session
In our first editing session, we were really confident about how things would turn out. First we arranged our scenes in order so that it would be easy to do a rewind. We decided that we would start of with the bedroom scene but hadn't actually decided on the ending scene.
Following on from this, we thought about the contrast of our scenes and how the music would be incorporated however we knew this would come at a later date.
Following on from this, we thought about the contrast of our scenes and how the music would be incorporated however we knew this would come at a later date.
How We Kept In Contact
Website is coming out soon where you can find out all the behind scenes and meet the cast. Stay tuned for the release date of the website.
Extension Post
We had to re-shoot may of our scenes because we realised that it wouldn't come across clearly that all the scenes were not on the same day. We didn't want to confuse the audience so we decided to just re-shoot the shots where she had different clothes on.
As well as re-shooting the scenes, we actually decided against having a 'rewind' in the majority of our film. This was simply because we thought it would be much more complicated to do, and very disorganised. We chose to use flash-backs, which we have presented in black and white instead of the rewind. This is way if we wanted to add the other scenes where she didn't have the same clothes on, it would clearly look like it wasn't on the same day.
We chose to keep in all of our fight scene shots because we thought it would keep the opening interesting and engage well with the audience. We also wanted to make sure that our opening was long enough.
The reason we changed location for the fight scene, is because in the previous scene, there were scenes where the equipment could be seen, and we knew it would look very unprofessional. Also, we hadn't shot Lily falling into the scene, and that was a crucial shot so we had to re-shoot.
As well as re-shooting the scenes, we actually decided against having a 'rewind' in the majority of our film. This was simply because we thought it would be much more complicated to do, and very disorganised. We chose to use flash-backs, which we have presented in black and white instead of the rewind. This is way if we wanted to add the other scenes where she didn't have the same clothes on, it would clearly look like it wasn't on the same day.
We chose to keep in all of our fight scene shots because we thought it would keep the opening interesting and engage well with the audience. We also wanted to make sure that our opening was long enough.
The reason we changed location for the fight scene, is because in the previous scene, there were scenes where the equipment could be seen, and we knew it would look very unprofessional. Also, we hadn't shot Lily falling into the scene, and that was a crucial shot so we had to re-shoot.
Blog Post 43; First Day of Filming
The day of filming began with us shooting a call reaction scene, and also a fight scene.
We decided to have a lot of camera movement within these scenes to attempt to show our camera skills. We rarely had any other angles of the one scene which we realised after was not a good thing.
After our feedback from marisa we decided upon reshooting this scene because we lacked in different angles, as well as the fact that our camera work was less than smooth.
We asked our fellow peer Monica, to help shoot in this film as one of the bully's to attack Lily.
We decided to have a lot of camera movement within these scenes to attempt to show our camera skills. We rarely had any other angles of the one scene which we realised after was not a good thing.
After our feedback from marisa we decided upon reshooting this scene because we lacked in different angles, as well as the fact that our camera work was less than smooth.
We asked our fellow peer Monica, to help shoot in this film as one of the bully's to attack Lily.
Day 2 of Filming
Day 2 of filming was the killing scene. Our shot were tilt ups, long shots, mid shots and over the shoulder shots. We used these shots because we felt it really captured the atmosphere of the scene.
Our next scene will hopefully be the bedroom and bathroom scenes which are the most important in establishing the actual opening.
Our feedback from this was that while Lily was hanging over the dead boy, it looked as though she was trying to get his blood on her. We decided we may have to re-film this scene again.
Our next scene will hopefully be the bedroom and bathroom scenes which are the most important in establishing the actual opening.
Our feedback from this was that while Lily was hanging over the dead boy, it looked as though she was trying to get his blood on her. We decided we may have to re-film this scene again.
StoryBoard draft 1 with feedback
- More detailed - shot types we may use, specific scenes we may use especially the rewind
- Good story line may be to complexes to accomplish
- more images- to give a more visual idea
- use a story line template
Saturday, 7 March 2015
Effect ideas
We found the first one wasn't as effect and what was long for as the horizontal lines was going through our actors faces.
The second was too blurred and found it would strain the audiences eyes to watch.
We found the third blur effect was too soft and dreamy and we wanted to go for a distorted dark feel so we decided to combine the 4th one and make it in black and white to make it more dark and to make it look like the past.
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
blogging health check 2
18 posts - CFC issued
As you are aware from our discussion you are very far behind in the coursework and you will need to do a lot of work in order to catch up. Have a look at the blogging checklist, see what posts you have completed and get the posts you need to complete done!
2 or 3 good, detailed blog posts per week. Make sure you blog individually, if you have ideas for planning then you can blog about those even if they are not used in the final title sequence.
- Be more creative with the blog design and ICT use
- GIFs will bring your still images to life without having to create videos
- Group posts should reflect the work of 4 people, some posts lack sufficient detail
- Slideshows should be used for lots of photos
As you are aware from our discussion you are very far behind in the coursework and you will need to do a lot of work in order to catch up. Have a look at the blogging checklist, see what posts you have completed and get the posts you need to complete done!
2 or 3 good, detailed blog posts per week. Make sure you blog individually, if you have ideas for planning then you can blog about those even if they are not used in the final title sequence.
- Be more creative with the blog design and ICT use
- GIFs will bring your still images to life without having to create videos
- Group posts should reflect the work of 4 people, some posts lack sufficient detail
- Slideshows should be used for lots of photos
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Rough Cut Edit 1
After finishing our rough cut, Marisa gave us some feedback on our scenes. To begin with, we need more match cuts and different shots for all or scenes. Because we're being marked on the smoothness and quality of our film, we shouldn't really follow characters and just have many different shots instead.
She gave told us to have Lily fall into a shot, because that would be a good shot for us to have in our film.
There was a shot that Lily went out of the view of the camera. Marisa advised us to reshoot that section.
She also said for our first bedroom scene we shouldn't do a 360 pan, it would be better to just have different shots in the scene.
We will need to figure out a way to integrate titles into our film.
Saturday, 7 February 2015
Planning Post 22; Initial Ideas
The Sub-Genre we decided on was YOUTH DRAMA;This is because, we as a group felt that it would much more fun and interesting to create a youth drama as we enjoy many of them such as:
These films are all centred around conflict as a young adult which is what we wanted to incorporate into our film.
Our initial plot was to begin the film with the ending and show our protagonist dead or unconscious in a bath.
As there are only three of us in the group, we wanted to limit the characters in our opening to only one or two. This meant that our social groups that we had to introduce were only going to be troubled teens (the main character).

Friday, 6 February 2015
Day 3 of Filming
Initially our bedroom scene was going to be a 360 degrees pan, however after careful consideration we decided against it because we wouldn't be able to be still and smooth enough for it to look authentic.
We decided the filmed scenes in the bathroom and bedroom would consist of still mid shots of different feminine objects to create the character of our film.
Our feedback was positive.
On this day we were also meant to shoot the outside of the house and shoot and traffic scene because we didn't want to run out of shots. However, we didn't because the weather on that day was very poor and we didn't want to get the equipment wet.
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Planning Post 30; Location For Our Film
We thought this location would be a good idea because it looks dark and could be quite mysterious if filmed in the evening. At this location, we filmed the bloody death and our character getting blood all over herself.
Our improvements for this scene would be to add more cuts and different angles to make the film look more professional. We could also shoot later in the day to make the film look more authentic or add a filter when it comes to editing our film.
Pitch ideas
technology skills
- We will use JVC camera to film the entire opening
- We will use JVC camera to film the entire opening
- we will use motion for our title sequences
- We will be using garage band for our sound design
- Then final cut pro to edit the the film
Planning Post 28; Media Texts That Influenced Our Film
S7ven inspired our title sequence as we really thought that scribbled hand writing would be appropriate for out film. Not only this but how the titles were placed strategically against the back drop, we thought of using this idea with our own.
Planning Post 24; Font Shot List
We picked out these fonts to choose from for our opening sequence. This is because they all look like they were written by someone disturbed, and that is what we want our character to be portrayed as.
We want our font to correlate with our storyline and our character, so that it makes sense.
We want our font to correlate with our storyline and our character, so that it makes sense.
Monday, 2 February 2015
Planning Post 41; Blogging Health Check 2
For this blogging health check feedback, there was a lot more Marisa had to say because I had done worse than before. Because of my lack of blog post, I was put on Cause for Concern and I have a meeting on the 09/02/2015. I know that when my work is reviewed, they will see that I have caught up on my blog posts.
We were told as a group to design or blog to personalize it, and we have succeeded in doing so. We all decided that a dark colour would be most suitable because it reflects the kind of film we're creating. We chose a nice deep blue colour to do this.
I have used many GIFs in my blog posts, e.g the one being used on this blog post also. We have all contributed to a lot more work and I think it is starting to reflect in our work. I think I have met my targets for this blogging health check and will continue to stay on top of my work.
Research Post 21; Blogging Health Check 1 Feedback
Blogging Health Check Feedback and Evaluation:
I am also not far behind and I am sure I'll be able to catch up on the work and stay up to date with this.
My first blogging health check, I gained a 10. This is below target for me a it is in red. Both myself and Marissa are hopeful for me to gain a good grade in media, especially the coursework - being a B or above. This however is not being reflected at the moment. I have currently only done 13 posts when I know there should be more.
The things I know I have done well, is using ICT efficiently. Not only has Marissa noticed this as she has placed this in the comments but also I take a lot of pride in my work and make sure it is to the best of my ability.
The things I need to work on, are staying up to date with the blog posts. I can do this by making sure I date on my blogging checklist when they should be done, And make sure I make time to do this. As well as this I should also make sure I don't leave any posts unfinished. I can do this by remembering that when I start I should finish on the same day so that I don't stop being motivated to finish the blog post.
Sunday, 1 February 2015
Post 13 : Sub genre conventions
High school drama - Mean girls
plot - A new girl cady moves from Africa to a american high school, were she trys to find her way in this new environment she is noticed by the most popular girls in the school and invited to hang out with them. As the movie continues Cady learns more about what its like as a american teenage girl while trying to destroy one of the 'Plastics' and somehow get the boyCharacters introduced:
-Cady Heron
-Cady's mum and dad
-Regina Geroge
-Mrs. Norbury
-Mr. Duvall
-Aaron Samuels
-Janis Ian
-Gretchen wiene
-Karen Smith
Social Groups
-The popular girls
-the emos
-the math geeks
-the Preps
-A.V jocks
-Asian nerds
-cool asians
-Varcisty jocks
-"girls who eat there feelings"
Post 19 : Garageband
![]() |
First Open garageband at the bottom of the screen |
![]() |
Open a new tack so as the have a blank template to start working on |
![]() |
Once open look at the right of the screen play tracks to hear them |
![]() |
Drag selected tracks into the main workplace |
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Make sure to save track and you can also share track on iTunes for others to hear |
Post 39 : Pitch feedback
From groups 11 feedback we have looked at the points were we hadn't been clear enough and worked on improving our ideas. First we looked at the issue with the story board and have a clear shot list planned out with the different props and mise-en-scene that would be needed for those shots.
Post 41: 2nd Health Check
To respond to the comments given I am tring to catch up to the rest of the students in my group and work on my blogging. Going to media workshop to work with other students and get help when needed from the teachers working in the workshop. I have done more then half of the blogs out standing in this workshop and will continue to go to make sure I stay on top of the work load.
Post 21: 1st Blogging health check
For my first blogging heath check my teacher made the comment in the image below, and to respond to this I have tried to catch up on the blogs outdated and classwork.
Blog Post 15
17 again - Title analysis
shot list:
- Wide shot - tracking to the right
- Wide shot - tracking to the left
- Wide shot
- Black background of title in blue text
- Mid close up
- Black background of title sequence
- Mid close up
- High angle - long shot
- High angle - mid shot - tilt
- High angle - POV - mid shot
- Higher angle level - mid shot
- Close up - low angle
- High angle
- Low angle - mid long shot
- Tilt down - mid shot
- Mid close up
The soundtrack begins with the first shot, playing softly in the background. Then as the shot continues foley sound of bird songs and the wind. Other foley sounds of a basket ball 'swishing' through the hoop come in with the shots from inside the gym. When showing the tiles on black background a wind chime element to the sound track plays for the duration of the title, followed by more foley sounds of the main character and the basket ball. By the end of the sequence the soundtrack had reached its crescendo.
Editing and Mise-en-scene
At the beginning of the sequence there is a slow pace editing, were the viewer would have more time to see the opening wide shots.
Blog Post 8
What is genre? Also what is a teen drama film?
Genre is classified as a style or category of art, music or literature. Teen Drama's are one of those category's'. Teen dramas or teen films are drama series that manly focus on teenage characters.
Popular Producers for teen dramas in the USA are MTV, Nickelodeon, FOX, TeenNick, and Disney.
Two teen drama's I have been looking at are:
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
The Inbetweeners Movie
Planning Post 23; Institution
Production companies
we chose more than 1 production company because we are a low independent film and we need various sources to help fund for our film.
![]() |
keychain production have done several independent films e.g wireless, the team , link shop and monitor |
is also an independent film they've done films like sticks and stones, Kidulthood, adulthood , all to things to men and nits
Saturday, 31 January 2015
Thursday, 29 January 2015
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Research Post 19; Summarise How to Create Sound Tracks in Garage Band
Garage band
when you first select the garage-band icon you'll get an option like this and you click on movie and then press choose. it will then bring you to a screen where you have to save your project.
To import the movie
- Click the Media Browser button in the control bar.
- In the Media Browser, click Movies to show available movie files
- Select the folder or location with the movie you want to import.
- Drag the movie to the Garage Band timeline.

In the right hand bottom corner of garage-band there's an eye which is called a loop. click on it and a tab will appear with options. if you hover your mouse over one of the tracks it will play aloud so you can hear it before selecting.

If you find that way hard to find something if you click on the music note icon the tracks are put into clearer categorizes
When you like a track you drag it under the still film pictures every-time you want to select a you new track add another line
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