Wednesday 11 March 2015


Q5. How did you attract/adress your audience?


The costume for the main character was meant to appeal to mordern teen fashion, and also appeal to the sterio type that teens who wear a hoodie is up to no good. The black cloths also help to enforse this steriotype. However we still wanted to have middle class look to kelly, having her wearing clean cloths, without any holes, but even without the holes the outfit does not look new.
The locations chosen may appeal to some tren and adult audiences for there are park and religious locations. We chose the location of thr church because we though it would look dramatic in comparison to the death of one of the characters. We also chose the location of the park because it is somewhere that teens are likly to hang out and also because it is a public location and we have no budget money to spend on renting a location to film in.


The main character is a 17-18 who fit the age profile needed for a youth drama, and the hair colour would appeal to a more unique audience and realates to the many young people today that have coloured hair simular. The hight and gender of kelly also has many simularites to the average teenage girl living in london. 

The angry male character played by morgon gorden tompson, he did drama courses and was more impresive in his acting abilities then some of the othere actors included in the title sequence. Although he was only shown on screen for a few moments he makes a large impreshion by hitting the  main character, knocking her to the floor towards the camera. 

The murder is a female actor however for the purpose of the storyline we wanted them to be a male character in the scene, as they kill another character on screen. She did a amazing work on camera making sure her hood never moved to reveal her face and the large jacket cover her slender female figure.

Story line

-Our storyline is shown from the point of view of Kelly. Showing all the events that happen to her or that she is aware of, like the film is all being told from diary entries, which we were going to include but we ran out of filming time. We chose this view because it is similar to other media products out there like ‘Angus, Thongs and perfect kissing’ which already has a large teenage audience and would help give us inspiration on how to appeal to that audience.

-Kelly used to be a normal teenage girl; she used to have friends, a home, in education and most important of all she used to be safe. But then something happens and she is thrown into a life where she is beaten up by drug dealers for money and get phone calls informing her about murders.
-We had a bit of trouble thinking how to show this in a short title sequence and yet not give away too much of the film in the process, what we first came up with was that we would find Kelly dead in a bathtub and then rewind though the film to the beginning of the story. Almost like in the ending of Donnie Darko they go back in time to scenes shown earlier in the movie but they show a difference in how the events turned out having Donnie die instead of live. However we wanted to have a similar effect for the beginning of our media product and not the ending, but having this work as a base we knew what the base characteristics our product would need to have to appeal to a similar audience.

Production and distribution comanies 

-Our production company already have a young target audience, consisting of indepented fans and also fans of Andrew Lee Potts who starred in many TV dramas and Film that appeal to teenage/young adult audiences. So they are a perfect choice for a production company that know more about our target audience then we do with their experience.
Also for our distributor we have a larger mainstream company that would be able to distribute our product over a larger range of platforms and locations. This would be better for our product to be seen by both mainstream and independent film fans, also it would show how diverse our product is to appeal to both audiences. However when choosing our distributor we also looked at what kind of films they have released in the past and Icon Film Distributors have very similar target audiences and sub-genres to our product.

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